Refocus Your SEO Strategy

There can be significant benefits from including a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy into your initial site design before you go live.  But… what about your existing site?  Is it too late to come up with a solid SEO plan? There are a few areas to...

Using XML sitemaps to boost SEO

When users look up something on Google, they expect to find information on websites that matches the term or question that they had. The websites that are shown on results pages have been crawledby Google in order to find content that matches the user’s search. XML...

Keyword Density: Still an applicable metric?

What is Keyword Density? Keyword density is defined as the number of occurrences of a given keywor on a web page divided by the number of total amount of words on the page. It is given as a percentage and is seen as a metric or analysis tool for optimizing your...