by ellenkeller | Feb 13, 2019 | Content Marketing, Google Rankings, Redirects, SEO, SEO-friendly
404 page not found error due to incorrect implementation of a redirect to another domain Why you should implement a Redirect to another Domain If you move your content from your old domain to another one, you might want to think about implementing a redirect link on...
by AustinMeredith | Feb 13, 2019 | Content Marketing, SEO, Seo Strategy, Uncategorized
One of the keys to having a great company in the modern world is to have an effective web presence. To help achieve an effective web presence being able to be found on search engines can be game changing to companies. But how can a website improve how its web presence...
by daniellebybee | Feb 6, 2019 | Content Marketing, SEO, SEO Plan
Creating your audience-based SEO strategy is like making New Years’ Resolutions. You start off strong in January, but then end up watching the snow melt from your office window. Before long, its already time for next year’s office Christmas party, and the SEO issues...
by carlycantarini | Feb 5, 2019 | Content Marketing, Keyword Research, Mobile SEO, SEO, SEO and branding
SEO… What does it stand for? How does it work? Why is it important? The acronym SEOstand for “Search Engine Optimization”. This is a process for optimizing websites to get un-paid (organic) traffic from users searching on the results pages. It involves...
by peterowen | Jun 12, 2018 | Content Marketing, SEO and branding, Video Marketing
How to Optimize Video Search Why optimize video search with YouTube? Why optimize video search with YouTube? One of my favorite YouTubers of all time is Devin Graham, or if you do a YouTube search of him, better known as devinsupertramp. His videography of his many...
by hannahdorf | Jun 8, 2018 | Building an Audience, Content Marketing, How Social Media Plays a Role in Search Results and Rankings, Marketing Influencer, Social Media
Building your Online Audience from Scratch Building your online audience, can be a daunting task. It isn’t enough to just have a website or great content, you need people to read your content, share your content, and comment on your content… you need an audience. If...