Beginning your research on search engine optimization can be very overwhelming, terms such as Htags, Crawl, and stuffing can be very confusing for people not familiar with search engine optimization. In 2013, Google updated their algorithm with regards to search engine to make searching on the web more user friendly, essentially changing SEO and making it more human.

Google Hummingbird and SEO

Google Hummingbird is intended to get at the heart of what users want and not just the exact keywords they search for. In large part, this is related to Google getting more prepared for mobile search

What were the Goals of the Google Hummingbird Update?

According to Hummingbird’s focus centered around three key components in order to create a better search engine optimization

  1. Conversational Search
    • By being able to use natural conversational language in search results.
    • Hummingbird sought to allow users the ability to easily search for answers to conversational questions that happen every day.
  2. Human Search
    • To account for the mistakes that humans make every day with regards to SEO.
    • Hummingbird sought to focus on synonyms and theme-related topics of whatever you are searching
    • For Example: searching for the “President of England” on the Internet
      • Of course, England doesn’t have a President, but they do have a Head of State and a Head of Government. So Google will automatically start searching for these similarities between your personal search and what they have archived
      • It accounts for error
  3. Voice Search / Local Search
    • By using semantic search that take into account how humans think, desire, and express ideas or questions, Google is not able to help people get to their desired information quicker
    • For Example: searching for “Best Chinese restaurant.”
      • Instead of giving you information about the critically acclaimed Chinese restaurant in LA or even information about China itself.. The Search Engine will assume that you are trying to find good Chinese food near you and give you data that you can act on immediately. 
      • This translates semantic search from a concept to a reality.

How do I Optimize Content With Google Hummingbird

Google made it clear that their primary concern is the consumers experience with search engines

According to to properly optimize your content, you must follow these tips.

  1. Create content that truly matters.
    • Don’t try to fool your readers by hiding keywords somewhere in the page, with this new system Google always look for the website with the best user friendly information. If you create good content, Google will help you.
  2. Only incorporate keywords when it is natural to do so
    • The website will flow better and become more easy to understand
    • The website will be more centered around the customer
  3. Focus on Keywords that are centered on the true meaning behind the search
    • Understand what the meaning behinds the keywords are and provide content to help them.

Google Hummingbird’s algorithm attempts to determine the true meaning behind what a user is searching for. In order to increase your website ranking and better your digital marketing you must create good, user friendly content that satisfies the customer’s true desires.

Billy Madsen