Keyword Research

Through this article, I hope to answer the question of, how one can use keyword planning to optimize their site for search? The theory behind keyword research is that it is one of the most important and valuable tools in the search engine marketing field. Through effective keyword research, you can learn a lot about which keyword or SEO keywords to use. Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of optimizing your website to show up as close to the top as possible on search engines. When people hear about SEO and keyword search, they tend to get excited and start looking for a keyword generator. As an expert in the field, I can tell you it is great that you are excited about keyword research and finding a keyword suggestion tool or keyword search tool. It shows that you have passion and enthusiasm and you will do great work. Before you start to look for a keyword research tool, such as Google keyword search or another Google keyword tool, you need to know the basics of keyword analysis.


Keyword Analysis

Again, I think its great that you want to dive right in to finding an SEO keyword tool and start using AdWords keyword planner, but you’ve got to start with the basics of keyword research, keyword analysis. You have to start by thinking strategically. When doing keyword research, a lot of people will go to their Google keyword tool and see that there are searches that have 5,000 searches a day. They might think to themselves, “Oh boy, golly! I sure wouldn’t mind a slice of that keyword pie”. It is important to remember that when you are using your AdWords keyword tool, you’ll see that a keyword like that costs a lot of money to bid on. Also, keywords like that only make up about 30% of searches. The other 70% comes from people searching very specific keywords, SEO keywords that you need to do keyword research on to decide if you want to implement them.


Keyword Planner

There are many different ways to do a keyword search. An SEO keyword tool can come from a search engine or a third party. An example of one from an engine is the AdWords keyword tool. An example of a third party tool is Backlinko. When doing keyword research, brainstorm a lot of different keywords. While using a keyword planner, you will find that they have a keyword generator, which is helpful, but you want to come prepared with many a keyword in mind before using an SEO keyword tool.


SEO Keywords

In this last paragraph, I want to leave you with some encouraging thoughts about keyword research. Keyword research and keyword analysis are two of the most important things you can do to optimize your website for keyword search on search engines. If you work hard, you’ll be successful in using a keyword search tool, such as AdWords keyword planner (the Adwords keyword tool (the Google keyword tool)). Just for a little bit of extra encouragement as you go through your keyword search, here is a picture of me in my dorm room doing the Shia Labeouf “just do it” thing.

-Hunter Gurney