SEO, Identifying SEO problems, Work on SEOIdentifying SEO Problems

Performing an SEO check on an existing website is one of the most important things you can do for your company’s online marketing efforts. From determining how usable your site is for your users, to determining how well Google can analyze and rank your website, are big factors on how successful your website will be. A good way to find out the effectiveness of your website is to perform an audit to help determine the site’s usability, page load time, quality of the content and coding, as well as other important factors. Analyzing a website’s SEO optimization is something companies should constantly be doing, not just making it a one time occurrence. SEO checks, like the Google SEO checker, are beneficial for companies who are constantly wanting to improve their websites. We have also listed some important areas that you can be sure to check when trying to improve your website’s SEO ranking.

Page Load Time

A huge factor on how your customers like using your website depends on how user friendly it is. While going through a website analysis, a company can find this out. Page load time is extremely important to making sure your customers stay on your page and don’t bounce off. If a site takes too long to load, customers give up and search for other sites. This also is something that effects your Google SEO rating as well. How long your page takes to load is a huge factor in your customer satisfaction and Google standing.

Mobile Accessibility

Another big factor that determines your site’s usability is mobile friendliness. Most people use their mobile devices to search for websites and make purchases now, which means that your website needs to be mobile friendly to increase site usability and sales. An SEO test will give a company feedback on if the site is friendly to the site’s mobile users.

Content Review

When reviewing a site’s content, a company will want to do an SEO analysis to make sure the site has enough content to sustain a visitor wanting information from the page. Using headers and making sure the site is organized is also a huge help in doing this. To find out more content tips visit


Another SEO analysis tool that helps a site’s Google rating and maximizes a website’s SEO optimization, is having a site map. This is a way to have all of the site’s pages correctly identified and easier for Google to crawl. This can also improve an SEO score with Google.

Code Quality

Having poor code quality can also negatively impact a company’s website and SEO online. While it is not required by search engines to have good quality coding, it can definitely help a website. A way to check if the coding on the site is good, a company can use the W3C validator. This can help increase a SEO ranking.

For more information on how to improve your SEO score, here are some other helpful tips and tricks:


-Kara Nicolaides