When to use Seasonal SEO Strategy

“According to a survey from UPS and Comscore, 51 percent of customers polled said they preferred shopping online” (Writer). With this popularity, search engines help people to find ideas for items to buy. “So, consider this obvious message here: The holiday season is...

Do You Even Crawl Bro?

You need to show up as a search engine result to promote your business? A website can be an excellent way to create organic growth for your business because it increases exposure to potential customers. Yet something isn’t right. You’ve got your website, but no matter...

The Key to Content Optimization

Defining SEO So what exactly is SEO? Well SEO stands for search engine optimization and is essentially the process of generating more traffic to a website through organic search engine results. This can be done in many different ways. You can do things like optimizing...

Understanding Vertical Search Engines

When you first think of search engines, it is likely that Google search is what comes to mind. When looking for information about a topic on Google, you might feel overwhelmed with all of the results that are showing up because your search results are so broad. This...

Simple Ways to Increase Online Traffic

Generating new customers can be frustrating. As a small business, you’ve probably asked yourself the question, “How can I increase my online traffic to compete with the big players?” The answer to this question is SEO. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, involves...