PPC Advertising is an abbreviation for the marketing term Pay Per Click. Pay Per Click Marketing gives companies the opportunity to directly advertise to customers who make a direct online product search for something that their company offers. Although there are various sources of online search marketing tools, (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Amazon Product Ads, etc.) Google Ads seem to be the favorite.
How it works. Have you ever made a search for a specific item you were trying to research or find online? After you made the search and your results page appeared, did you notice that the result located at the top was a sponsored search? That’s right. Instead of the most popular or most relevant search result being located at the top, you found an online ad. You became a victim of this form of online search advertising.
Companies know the statistic. If they are not located near the top of the results page, or at least on the first page, their chances of being clicked on are very slim. To be located near the top, they must sponsor certain words to rank higher with keyword advertising. To achieve this task, companies make keyword bids that are exactly or similarly related to what they are offering. The bid they are making is for how much they will pay for every time someone clicks on that ad, hence Pay Per Clicks. If companies feel a little uneasy taking on the risk in one area of their marketing campaign, they can set a daily limit. This allows companies to set a daily max as to how much each day they want to spend on these online sponsored ads. Pay per click costs can add up, so companies should do their best to minimize their bounce rate. Or else, they will be spending a lot of money to see customers leave their website empty handed.
How do I know if the PPC strategy is for me? PPC has been known to result in success or failure. It can boost site traffic and increase sales, or hurt companies who can’t compete. If you find yourself using the search advertising strategy, you better know what you are doing. Companies should ask themselves some of these questions before fully investing into PPC Adversting: “Is my product or service in high demand, who are some of my competitors, do I have an attractive website, is my business targeted, do I have a low bounce rate, and do I already have heavy traffic visiting my website?” For more information on whether PPC is a fit for your company, click here.
In summary, Pay Per Click Advertising is a valuable online marketing tool that has driven a lot of business towards companies who normally wouldn’t receive it. It has led to success in companies in unique niche markets. On the other hand, it has also led to companies having to open their wallet resulting in a lower return on investment. At the very least, if you experience a higher volume of traffic coming to your site, but not a proportionate increase in sales, then you might have identified a different problem. Regardless, if you feel like your business would benefit from PPC Online Advertising and you fit the criteria, then give it a shot!
To better understand Pay Per Click Online Marketing and learn more in depth about this online marketing tool providers, click here.
-Lucas Minhondo