SEO is a process that all online marketers, business owners, and internet fanatics should know about. SEO is short for search engine optimization. Organic results, meaning unpaid search engine results, are affected with proper administration of search engine optimization. Online visibility through a search engine will be positively affected with search engine optimization.
In chapter two of the Art of SEO they discuss the evaluation of the contents of a webpage. I feel that it is important for people to know how to evaluate the contents of a webpage. The keywords i discovered for this topic are webpage, content, search, queries, match, navigation, analysis, evaluate, indexing, software, database, title, tag, content, and listing.
Search engines are closely correlated with the content of each web page. Content is what matters most in the end. Search engine run analysis and create matching words and maps for the searcher to the content of a page. A search engine then decides in which order to show results to the searcher. A semantic map is the map used to bridge the search and the results. With out a semantic match, the queries and the content won’t relate.
Real content is what search engines use to evaluate the likeness to the search query. Real content is the meat and potatoes to a web page, search engines are more concerned with content than the navigational content of a web page. Unique content helps search engines connect a search query to a web page.
Navigation on a web page is still much needed, it just doesn’t help to satisfy a search engine when connecting a search to a webpage. Navigation values are similar across the majority of websites. For example, almost all websites have a home button, or a contact page.
The value of content is also super important with the connection of a query and a search engine. The quality, the length, the repetition of words, and the availability are all factors taken into consideration when a search engine is evaluating a web page.
Author, purpose, objectivity, accuracy, credibility, currency, links, and conclusion are all taken into consideration when evaluating a website. Information on the internet isn’t nearly as monitored as the information in a newspapers or other similar mediums. Being critical is important to finding the correct source of information for a searcher. Before using a web page as a source of knowledge, “it is important to judge its accuracy and to establish that the information comes from a reliable and appropriate source.”