Search engines have two major goals to improve their efficiency and use:
1: To crawl and index through billions of documents and webpages to ensure the information is current and up-to-date.
2: Return query results at optimum speed, at the satisfaction of their users.
Crawling refers to the web-bot systematically browsing the web to read and index the billions of web pages. Imagine the intricate pattern of the web as a big city subway system with each stop as a different webpage. The linking structures of the web is used to bind together each web page, which can be the subway tracks, linking each stop together.
Once a web-crawler finds these web pages, it quickly and methodically scrapes the code of each page, dividing it up into navigational links, and real content. It evaluates the unique content to draw conclusions such as if the same content is the exact same on other sites, or if keywords are present, and give value to it using these and a few more analysis.
After indexing and gaining an understand of the unique content the web page has to offer, the search engine determines the types of queries that would make this web page a result. Search results rely heavily on perceived importance of the website, and relevance to the query. The relevance of the web page increases if the number of keywords searched by the user appears multiple in the content, appears in the title, headlines and subheads, or if the number of links to the page are from reputable websites.
To ensure a strong google page ranking, web pages must know and understand how the algorithm works for, or against them. Using a page rank tool is a way to understand where your website sits and where it can improve on.
Google page rank can be influenced by many internal characteristics of your website. Simple additions to the HTML code can raise your webpage’s visibility on the search engine results page, such as:
Including key words in your webpages html code.
Web crawling bots inspect the entirety of the source code of your webpage. Adding in keyword search terms into parts like the title tag, meta description, and even the image names could show to the SERP ranking that the user would be interested in this webpage.
Adding unique content to your website.
An overlooked key in SEO, is one that is true to all marketing; Ensuring that your content is consumable. Crawling bots examine webpage content to check if it’s unique, and if it includes too many keywords. This is an easy fix if your writers and curators understand the value of good writing in a marketing scheme.
Linking your website to other reputable webpages.
Crawling bots measure importance in indexing by seeing who is linking to a site or a web page. This shows that the page is affiliated with other reputable pages through historical data, and can be trusted. By having your website linked to other reputable webpages, it shows that you could be trusted and also be considered an expert on the topic.
Search Engine Optimization is a major factor in webpage design, and in all of marketing. That’s why taking the time to build a webpage through proper coding techniques, unique and popular content, and reputable sources and friends can make all the difference in any Google SERP.
Check out this great article for how the ranking system updates can change the way your SEO practices.
Dan Cawley