SEO Friendly Website

When creating a SEO friendly website it is helpful to know that a search engine will be impacted by everything on the webpage. With having a SEO friendly website someone would typically think that SEO would be Search Engine Optimization but to build a website that truly creates a memorable experience and is compatible with search engines SEO should or could be stated as Site Experience Optimization.

Building and improving your Site Experience Optimization is important to sustainable growth. With that the site needs to be able to evolve as there is a new age of SEO. According to a Forbes article that SEO is also becoming search experience optimization. SEO is expanding and becoming better that it is becoming harder to be gamed but necessary to still do the following things so that the website is SEO efficient. post will share following steps but your site needs to be relevant and an enjoyable experience for users.

Domain, URLs and Crawable Links

The domain name and URLs are two basic parts to creating a SEO friendly website. Make the domain name unique for better search results by doing this it will help the website be different but it is important to own other relevant domain names that the website is not confused with other websites. When deciding on available domain names only choose dot com available domains. Keep it as short as possible and easy to remember. When picking the right URLs it needs to describe the content and also keep it short just as the domain name. Static URLs improve SEO by connecting search results with relevant URLs.

Search engines use website links to see what other sites might link together or be similar. Some websites are created that aren’t crawable or limit spider accessibility but it needs to be able to link structures and pages. If websites do limit crawl abilities it impacts the page’s opportunity to be indexed in search engines. There are tools to help see how the webpage where is the PageRank, one of those tools is Screaming Frog. Screaming Frog runs reports to see how many outgoing links there are per page.

Indexable content, Structure and Achitecture

According to this article to perform better in search engine results the most important thing to do is have the site content be in HTML text format. Going along with indexable content, when using images and videos on the website put titles and descriptions with the videos. Adding text to images for search results enables search engines to find and utilize in search results. Be sure that image or videos are relevant to the content on the page. Doing this will impact search results as well.

The more content that is on the website can increase the opportunity for search engines to find the website. Not only content but how its structured will impact SEO. What is structured data and how does it impact SEO? If the website has category structuring it will be able to crawl the website to find snippets to display in the search results. The category structuring will impact the user search experience and SEO by having navigation that helps the user.

Flat vs deep architecture will impact SEO by creating or having less clicks. It is decisive to have a flat architecture so that the user has less clicks to get to the desired page. Web crawlers favor flat web pages to find the content but having too much on a single page can work against SEO as well. It is significant to keep things simple where possible for a better SEO friendly website. Flat architecture will also help users navigate the webpage which creates a SEO friendly website as well.

Mobile Friendliness

Now is the time to become mobile friendly and embrace it 110%. This is critical to create a positive user experience. Mobile devices are becoming a priority browsing experience so it is critical to create the website a seamless experience. Doing this will help users navigate on the web or mobile web. With more users having mobile experiences if the website is a pleasant experience on a mobile device consumers will stay longer which will create a longer dwell time. This dwell time helps lower bounce rate and Google loves high dwell time. To continue to find success it is key to optimize a better mobile experience.

Cleaning up for a SEO Friendly Website

It is crucial to have relevant information and an up to date website. Most importantly having the site updated helps search engines find the site.  By cleaning up your website you remove errors and duplicates. This is not to say that linking is impacted because everything is connected and browse-able. These links will only connect to pages based on relevance and semantic worth and the links need to be standardized for SEO.

Cleaning up is simply keeping the content fresh, how do you keep the site content fresh? It can be from creating a blog, having a news section on your website and having videos or pictures. Google bots can see by the inception date if the content is fresh. The below image is a way to see that fresh content gets a better fresh score and over time fresh content becomes old. That being said some older documents might be more favorable than a newer document.

Content Fresh Score helps the site to be a SEO Friendly Website

Newer or updated content get a better fresh score

In conclusion the main takeaway to build a SEO friendly website is to build your site in the way that search engines will be able to utilize the content. The website needs to be readable and that starts at the structure of the website. The webpage needs to be linkable and crawable for search engines. There are other factors to increase a SEO friendly website but these will improve it. The website needs to be memorable for the user and for search engines. For a SEO friendly website the search engine needs to be a factor with the customer. SEO success happens when you have a search engine-friendly website.